Mankind’s survival needs both intelligence and compassion
Many types of human being roamed the landscape for millions of years before modern humans emerged. These included the Neanderthals and the “Hobbit.” One by one, other human species became extinct probably a short time after they had encountered modern humans. Finally, we are the only one who has survived.
We are the sole ruler of the planet earth. We are going to the March. Our technological development knows no bound. All have been possible because we have feelings, we have empathy, and we have human values.
The art of survival was not just building a shelter or lighting a fire. We have survived because we live in the society
Scientists say that our communication, social networking, and advanced linguistic skills brought our ancestors together and they developed tools that made possible to take over the earth that once was ruled by other humans.
Scientists mention many survival skills, but our emotion is underrated in the aspect of our survival.
I believe, our feelings that include empathy and humanity have contributed most to our survival. We feel for one another, and we save one another. This unique quality has made us the superior species.
Our strength is in our values. Our strength is in our empathy and compassion. Our strength in helping and saving others. We use our strength to survive. We have survived as the fittest species not only because of our intelligence but also because of our virtues. Without those, we would have extinct.
I would not debate the theory of evolution. The approach may have shortcomings. But it is natural that we are here to survive and put forward our legacy.
To survive is not just a selfish act. We don’t survive as an individual; we survive as a race. The survival requires mutual compassion and kindness.
We are more concerned about our children and the next generation than ourselves. Why are we so concerned about the environment and the increase in global temperature? We want to put forward our genes, and we want our legacy to survive.
If we were selfish, we could enjoy our life more using all natural resources. Our survival also means the survival of human civilization in the present and the future.
All living beings are here to survive, but they don’t the unique quality that we have
We are the fittest not only because we are intelligent but mostly because we have human values and emotions. If we did not have those, we would have extinct ourselves without being threatened by other species.
We have “society, friendship, and love” which have protected us from both external and internal threats. Because of those, we have survived and thrived.
Many human-like creatures were intelligent. As recently as 30,000 years ago, three other hominin species were around: the Neanderthals, Denisovans, and the hobbits.
Neanderthals were very similar to modern humans. We have plenty of archeological findings to know about them. They evolved long before us and had survived for several hundred thousand years. They had proper hunting tools and techniques. Evidence suggests modern human evolved when Neanderthals existed.
Evidence suggests that we replaced them. How could we do that?
Anthropologists and archeologists together have found the answer. We have developed something unique which is “symbolic art “ and communication skills which have helped us to outcompete human-like species.
Humans practiced music before they moved from Arica to Europe.
When the number of humans grew, they started to live in the society and developed sophisticated ways like arts to communicate with one another.
We shared our feelings through music and art.
Nicholas Conard at the University of Tübingen, Germany was the head of a research project working on an archaeological examination in caves. He has some interesting remarks based on his research result:
Humans shared information among groups even 40,000 years ago
Art was a critical part of our identity that helped to bring different groups together.
Human used symbolic arts to share their knowledge among themselves and pass on to generations. Social organization and information sharing were something that other species, which Neanderthals could not.
At a conference, arranged by Arizona State University on “Origins of Human Uniqueness and Behavioral Modernity,” famous scholars discussed how human species survived and colonized the world.
The evolutionary theorist Rob Boyd of the University of California explains, “In the wild, a lone human would not be able to survive without culture.” He adds, “Think about what is necessary to live in Alaska; You’d need a kayak, a harpoon, a float to not sink. Nobody invents a kayak. People learn the proper way to make a kayak from others.”
Culture has historically always given us survival edge. This edge is over other species and other nations. Emotions influence culture and vice versa. We can communicate across cultures.
Our humane values help mutual co-operation that has been vital for our existence from the very beginning. We can know that without archeological digging. Humankind is stronger than ever before because we live in a globalized society. As much as we are enhancing our co-operation, we are thriving.
We share our knowledge and information. We continuously develop our expertise in co-operation with one another. We pass knowledge on to next generation, and they develop learning further.
We save the life, and we help them who are in need. We live in a group or society. Those are our foundation of success. We have survived because we have human values.
One person helps another person. One group help another group.
All nations help the nation that is in crisis.
In this way, we survive. Our love and emotions are the keys to our survival.
Sex is a raw emotion that is essential motivators for us all. Sex is closely linked to our survival. To survive from the very beginning, we needed to eat and reproduce. Nevertheless, sex is the greatest enjoyment that we can get in life.
I don’t agree with Freud that we are sexual beings and every action is motivated by sex. I believe sex is an essential part of our life.
We can turn our romantic love into sex. That is an advantage over other species and gives a significant boost to our reproduction ability.
Sex is the best when it is filled with emotions.